11 Simple Ways to Write Inspirational Stories

Let's get a proper insight about how you can write inspirational stories and make your stories super inspiring.

72% of adults say that reading inspiring stories improves their overall well-being and helps them maintain a positive view on life.

Do you read those stories that made you want to change your life? These are inspirational stories.

Inspirational stories are tales that lift our spirits and push us to be better. They show us how people overcome big problems and achieve their dreams.

These stories give us hope and courage. When I read them, I often think, “If they can do it, so can I!”

Well! If you want to make a positive impact on others, then writing inspirational stories is a beautiful way to spread hope.

In this article, I’ll discuss easy and simple ways to write inspirational stories that will be helpful for you. So, let’s begin!

What makes a story inspirational?

An inspirational story connects with readers through relatable characters who face and overcome challenges. It shares an emotional journey with a positive message, showing personal experiences.

These stories are authentic, offering hope and encouragement. By focusing on universal themes and meaningful resolutions, they leave a lasting impact. A strong storytelling structure and engaging narrative voice help make the story powerful.

11 simple ways to write inspirational stories

Here are 11 simple ways that help you to write inspirational stories more effectively:

1. Know your audience and their emotional state

Before you start writing, step one in writing inspirational stories: think about what your readers are going through.

Figure out where they spend time online or what they like to read. If it's, let's say, a cancer support group, try to understand their experiences.

Imagine a character who, despite a tough diagnosis, finds strength through a supportive community and never loses hope. Ask yourself:

  • What difficulties or losses are your readers facing?
  • What goals or dreams might motivate them?
  • What message of hope or perseverance would uplift them?

Once you understand what they're going through, make characters and situations that feel real to them.

2. Understand your audiences mental or emotional state

While writing a story you also need to know about the story elements and what your audience understands, including:

  • Are they stressed teens applying to college?
  • Kids nervous about a new school?
  • Adults facing tough decisions or chasing big dreams?

Understanding their feelings is crucial.

For example:

The main character of your story is about being the first in your family to apply for college. This story can make readers who feel lost or worried about the college process feel better.

Here's how to get into their minds:

1. Understand their point of views

When writing a story to uplift and inspire, it's essential to connect with your readers on a personal level. Knowing their point of views and truly feeling the emotions they experience.

Whether it’s nervousness, excitement, or a sense of being lost, take the time to understand what’s going on in their minds and hearts. Narrate this in the second-person point of view to connect their emotional state with the words.

2. Feel their emotions

Figure out if their story is about worry, confusion, or determination. Focus on that feeling and build your story around it.

3. Speak their language

Don't use complicated words or confusing situations. Use simple language and make it clear and easy to understand.

3. Tell a story that others can relate with

Want to write a story that makes people feel good and understood? Write about things that happen to everyone, like big challenges, believing in yourself, and never giving up, even when things are tough.

By showing these things through your characters, you create a story that people can really relate to.

Additionally, use an AI story generator to make inspirational stories by just entering your main story theme. It offers you various options to set the short and long length for story writing. This tool writes unique stories on any topic and of any length.

Here are some story ideas to get you started:

1. Overcoming obstacles

Imagine a story about someone dealing with a big problem, like being sick, facing bullies, or having family issues. Show how this person finds strength and courage, maybe even sharing laughter or humor in the story.

2. Hope after loss

Ever lost something important? It hurts. Write a story about someone who recovers back after a tough time. Show how they find hope, a reason to keep going, and maybe even discover something new and amazing.

3. Power of togetherness

Family, friends, and the people around us matter. Share a story about someone who discovers how awesome it is to be with others. Show how teaming up can solve problems and create something super special.

4. Write about your passion

Choose a topic that really matters to YOU! When you write about something you're passionate about, it shows in your words. The story feels real, exciting, and full of emotion.

When I create an inspirational story, I often draw inspiration from my love of traveling to nature spots. These serene locations help me feel calm and relaxed, allowing my creativity to flow. The beauty of nature inspires me deeply, helping me craft stories that resonate with readers on a personal level.

Think about causes, ideas, groups of people, or even personal experiences that make you inspired. Choose something that gets you motivated, whether it makes you happy, angry, hopeful, or anything in between!


  • Love animals? Write a story about a kid who saves a rare creature
  • Passionate about justice? Share the tale of a woman standing up for their rights
  • Fascinated by space? create an adventure about exploring the stars

5. Write naturally or use words that feel relatable

When you're making an inspiring story, keep your words simple, no need for hard to read words or long sentences. This approach helps readers to connect themselves in the narrative without feeling confused.

For example:

Instead of saying, “The protagonist experienced considerable difficulty in mastering the art of cycling,” you might write, “The character struggled to learn how to ride a bike.”

This makes it easier for readers to connect with the story. Imagine a young reader feeling inspired by a character who, like them, finally learns to ride a bike after many falls.

6. Check your writing is error-free

Improve your story by checking for mistakes before finishing it. Typos or grammar errors can make the story hard to follow. I remember when I wrote a story about a young hero overcoming obstacles.

After finishing, I read it from beginning to end without stopping, just like a regular reader. I found awkward sentences and parts that didn’t quite fit. I read it aloud and spotted mistakes I hadn’t noticed before.

I also shared it with a friend, asking for feedback on clarity. By fixing these errors, my story shone brighter, allowing the inspiring message to stand out and making it more enjoyable for readers.

7. Add empathetic sentences that inspire readers

Empathetic sentences are phrases or statements that show understanding and compassion towards someone else's feelings or experiences. When you're fixing up your story, try adding these sentences. It helps to make readers feel connected and inspired.

For example:

"She realized everyone faces mess-ups and struggles on their journey." These reflections help readers feel better about their own challenges.

You can also end sections by reminding readers of the uplifting message. It shows the main character gets strength from a bigger purpose.

Let’s share my experience. In a story I wrote about a kid dealing with bullies, I showed how the main character found inner strength despite the difficulties. This personalization helps readers see that, even in tough times, they can discover their own strength and purpose.

9. Make characters and ideas that people can relate to

Brainstorm ideas to create the inspirational story and fill it with characters. The more real and relatable your characters and concepts are, the easier it is for readers to feel like they're part of the story. Create characters who face challenges, this makes readers care about them.

For example, I wrote about a single parent who works many jobs to support their family. By sharing their daily struggles and successes, I wanted readers who face similar challenges to really connect with the story. This way, the story feels real and helps readers see themselves in the characters' experiences.

10. Show challenges in a positive way

Now, let's discuss facing tough moments in your story. You want to keep it positive, you know? When your characters run into problems, see them as chances to learn how to be brave and strong. Even when things don't go well, make sure your characters become stronger.

Think about your friends. Show how they stick together, being loyal and supportive, instead of everyone being sad. Even when things don't go perfectly, remember good times. And don't forget to add some funny and happy moments here and there to lift the mood, especially when things get a bit serious.

11. Write in hopeful words

Your inspiring story should give hope, even when things are tough, you can still succeed if you keep trying. Like if I write it, I’ll use hopeful words, especially in challenging parts of the story, to keep readers feeling positive. I’ll use symbols and metaphors that remind people of the good things life can bring.

For example:

In a story about a person facing difficulties, you might say, “Even when things were really tough, they felt a little bit hopeful, like a tiny light in a big tunnel" This helps readers feel optimistic and inspired, even when the character is going through tough times.

Final thoughts

In inspirational stories characters go through hard times but don't give up. When you create characters dealing with problems like we all do, it helps readers feel like they can handle tough times too.

Keeping the story positive reminds people that their dreams would happen if they keep going. Even when things are really hard you must show small wins in your story and keep readers feeling inspired.

With realness, smarts, and a positive vibe, your stories can help people turn tough times into chances to grow.

So, implement the super simple ways to write an inspirational story and create your own now!

Frequently asked questions

How can you make your story more interesting?

Create strong characters, add unexpected twists, build suspense, and keep the pace engaging to make your story more interesting.

What is a relatable story?

A relatable story connects with readers by reflecting common emotions, experiences, or challenges they understand.

What is transformation in storytelling?

Transformation in storytelling is when a character undergoes significant change, often evolving due to the story’s events.

How can I use metaphors and symbols in my story?

Use metaphors and symbols to represent hope and positive outcomes, making your story’s message more clear and relatable.

How do I add empathy to my story?

Include sentences that show understanding and compassion towards the characters’ struggles, helping readers connect emotionally that creates empathy.

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