How to Start a Fiction Story: A Step by Steps Guide

Writing a fiction story becomes more easy after reading this guide. So let's take a look on top 9 amazing steps for how to start a fiction story.

By:   Jojo Moyes, Published on: 2024-01-26, Last Updated: 27-07-24

Reviewed by: Stephan Spencer

Table of Contents

Every writer does things their own way. Some write from beginning to end, while others are in bits and pieces and put them together later.

Just like Mark Twain, a fiction writer well known for his classic novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876). He is the biggest inspiration for young writers who want to add some magic to their stories.

According to a recent research, the comic book market size is estimated to increase by USD 3.25 billion at a CAGR of 4.6% between 2023 and 2028.

So, whether you're writing a long novel, a short story, or even just a few sentences, don't be scared to try different ways of telling your story.

In this guide, we will help you learn more about how to start a fiction story including:

  • Start with a great first sentence
  • Make it readable for the readers
  • Keep it clear
  • Keep it lively

By following these steps, you can set your own writing rules. Furthermore, here are some steps and tips that will help you improve your creative writing.

A step by steps guide on how to start a fiction story

Start your fiction story easily with our step-by-step guide. Here we explain each step in detail with the most relevant examples. So let’s have a look:

1. Try to start with a great first sentence

Once you get the idea to start writing then your first sentence is like saying hello to your reader. It should be strong and interesting. It's like asking them to come on a trip with you. It should make them want to know more. 

For example, "The day I became invisible was not the most strange day of my life, but it was close." This makes you want to know more, right?

2. Make readers want to read more right away

You need to grab your reader's attention fast. Start with something that makes them really interested. It could be something unusual, a surprising fact, or a question.

For Example:

Think about starting with, "Have you ever thought about what it feels like to fly?" Who wouldn't want to keep reading?

3. Make them want to know more

Start with a mystery or something exciting. You can give a little hint but don't tell everything.

For Example:

You would find that here's a “secret or a mystery to solve”. This makes your reader want to find out more.

There are some other ways that help you improve and add quality in your story writing, you must check on them and get ease in your writing.

4. Show a character in a place

Imagine you're introducing a friend to someone new. You'd say who they are and where they are, right? Do the same in your story. Put your character in a place where things are happening.

For example:

"Lucy stood at the edge of the mysterious forest, her heart racing." This way, you let your readers know who is in the story and where they are. It helps them picture the scene.

5. Introduce your main character early

Your main character is like the captain of a ship. You want to show them to your readers as soon as you can. This helps your readers know who to follow and care about.

For Example:

Say something about your main character that makes them interesting. Maybe they have a “special skill, a big dream, or a problem they're facing”.

5. Start with something exciting

Think about starting your story in the middle of an action or an exciting moment. This could be anything like a chase, a discovery, or a big change.

For Example:

This makes your readers think, "Wow, what's happening here?" and they'll want to read on to find out.

Must read: How to Write a Story About Yourself: 9 Tro tips

6. Make it interesting

Your story should be like a treasure chest full of interesting things. Add details that make your readers feel like they're right there in the story.

For Example:

Describe “what things look like, sound like, or feel like”. But remember, don't add too many details. Just enough to make the scene come alive.

7. Keep it clear

Make sure your readers can follow what's happening. Use simple words and short sentences to enhance your story writing. If your story is easy to understand, more people will enjoy reading it.

For Example:

Instead of 'The mysterious atmosphere enveloped the surroundings with an enigmatic aura,' you can say 'The mysterious feeling filled the air.' Simplifying your story helps more people enjoy reading it."

8. Keep it lively

Your story should have energy. Use words that show action and feelings. This makes your story feel alive and keeps your readers interested.

For example:

Try to use exciting words like 'painted' and 'warm colors' to make your story more interesting. This way, your story will be fun to read and keep your readers interested.

9. Use catchy dialogue

When your characters talk, it should sound like real people talking. Make their conversations interesting and important to the story. Try writing your story from the second person's perspective. It will help engage readers as they feel like they're reading about their own stories.

For example:

Dialogue is a great way to show your characters’ personalities and move the story forward. Now you have more tools to start writing your story, like an AI plot generator. Remember, writing is like painting a picture with words.

Related info:

Pro tips to AVOID in the start of a story

Just like knowing what to do, it's important to know what not to do when starting your story. Avoid these things to make your beginning strong:

  • Starting with a lot of detail about the world or the character's background can be overwhelming. Keep it simple at the start.
  • Don't begin with something boring like a character just waking up or looking at themselves in a mirror. You want to grab attention, not put your reader to sleep.
  • If your start is too confusing, your reader might give up.
  • Make sure they can understand what's happening.
  • Try to avoid common story beginnings that have been used a lot.
  • Be original and surprise your reader.
  • Your beginning should have a "hook" – something that grabs your reader's interest and makes them want to keep reading. Don't forget this!

Example of a fiction story opening




Start with a great first sentence

Intrigue the reader.

The moment Sam touched the ancient book, the library's lights flickered.

Show a character in a place

Introduce a character and setting.

Sam, a curious and brave 12-year-old, stood in the dusty, old library of his grandfather's mansion.

Introduce your main character early

Give a glimpse of the main character.

With a spirit for adventure, Sam always loved the mysteries hidden in the mansion's corners.

Start with something exciting

Begin with action or a surprising event.

As he opened the book, a hidden map fell out, pointing to a secret room in the mansion.

Make it interesting

Add engaging details.

The map was old and torn, with symbols that hinted at hidden treasures.

Keep it clear

Use simple language and clear sentences.

Sam knew he had to explore this mystery, even if it meant sneaking around at night.

Keep it lively

Add energy and emotion.

His heart raced with excitement and a touch of fear.

Use catchy dialogue

Make realistic and relevant conversation.

He whispered to his dog, Max, 'Looks like we've got a real adventure ahead of us!'

Overview of the detailed written fiction story

"The moment Sam touched the ancient book, the library's lights flickered. Standing amidst the towering shelves was Sam, a curious and brave 12-year-old, in the dusty, old library of his grandfather's mansion. Known for his adventurous spirit, Sam had always been fascinated by the mansion's hidden mysteries.

As he gingerly opened the book, a hidden map fell out, landing softly on the creaky wooden floor. The map was old and torn, its edges frayed, with strange symbols and a clear path leading to a secret room within the mansion. Sam's eyes widened in amazement, his mind racing with possibilities.

'This could be the biggest discovery in the mansion yet,' he thought, his heart pounding with excitement and a hint of fear. Sam knew he had to follow the map's trail, even if it meant sneaking around the mansion's corridors under the cover of night.

He turned to his faithful dog, Max, who sat by his side, tail wagging, and whispered with a grin, 'Looks like we've got a real adventure ahead of us, buddy.'

In that moment, a world of secrets and adventures opened up for Sam, right there in the heart of his grandfather's mysterious mansion."

This example follows the table's structure, ensuring the story is engaging, clear, and full of life, making it interesting and understandable for the reader.

Bottom line

Starting a fiction story may seem hard, but it's also really fun. You get to take readers on a new adventure. Use the above mentioned tips to make a beginning that grabs their attention and makes them want to read the whole story.

Your first sentence, characters, where the story happens, and what they do are all important to making your story interesting right from the start.

So, keep practicing, writing, and, most importantly, enjoying it. Your story is a gift to the world, so let your imagination spark a light and have fun writing.

Book references: